Sunday, December 14, 2008

Exercising at Home

Over the years, I've had several exercise program false starts—I make grand plans, spend lots of money on equipment, gym memberships, etc., only to lose steam in a few days. Not carrying through with plans is bad enough, without the additional ignomy of paying for nothing.

A couple years ago, I avoided this by getting all my exercise from walking and jogging, which didn't require much more than a new pair of shoes. As I've now learned, that exercise plan had only limited benefits (no strength training), and the diet (limited calories) was too hard for me to maintain more than a year. Still, I had done something substantive, without any big expense.

This time, I've bought a couple kettle bells (4kg and 8kg - $45) and a lunge bar ($8). I've been doing ad hoc exercise routines, usually twice a week. My goal is to spend 30 minutes doing intense, strength-oriented exercises. Most of the time, I'm exhausted by the 25 minute mark, sometimes earlier. I try to stop early enough that I'm not sore the next couple days. Now, and when I've done strength training in the past, I only got very sore when I first started lifting weights. When I overdid it, the soreness would be worse two days afterwards.

[Note: I never did finish this article and left it as a draft on 12/14/08. Now 03/30/10 I'm just publishing it as is.]

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